Breath test - practical aspects

Last Friday, December 11, ISOMED Pharmain collaboration with Dr. José María Rodríguez Guerrero, Head of the Digestive Department of the Hospital Viamed Bahía de Cádiz, and Mayca Carrillo Suárez, Director of Aristea Nutricionistas, presented the Webinar "Breath test for the diagnosis of sugar intolerance and bacterial overgrowth - practical aspects"..

The webinar is aimed at all those professionals who are new to the use of breath tests in their daily clinical practice and who wish to learn more about the rationale of these tests, how to use them and, especially, how to interpret the results graphs in order to offer their patients the most accurate diagnosis. The possible treatments of choice for patients with positive diagnoses were also briefly discussed.

This was the first part of a two-day cycle. In the second, we will delve into the causes of bacterial overgrowth and its relationship with other disorders, its diagnosis and interpretation of complex cases, and the therapeutic arsenal available to professionals.

Our thanks to both speakers for their participation with so much enthusiasm and dedication.tusiasm and dedication. We are sure that they have managed to transmit their experience and interest in this field and provide tools for healthcare professionals to use in their daily clinical practice.

We also want to we would like to thank all those who registered and attended their interest in these diagnostic tests and their application to improve the well-being of their patients.

The Isomed Pharma team