
Breath test for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance.

Indication: LACTO-KIT is a breath test indicated for adults and children over 5 years of age with digestive symptoms such as flatulence, meteorism, diarrhea, etc., associated with the ingestion of foods or products containing lactose, mainly dairy products and derivatives.

Each package contains:

  • 1 sachet of lactose monohydrate (25 g).
  • 8 glass tubes: 1 for BASAL sample collection and 7 for POST sample collection.
  • 2 flexible tubes.
  • Identification labels.
  • Instructions for use.


Lactose is normally absorbed in the small intestine. If malabsorption occurs, lactose reaches the large intestine intact, where it is metabolized by the microbiota. In this process hydrogen and/or methane gases are generated, which are absorbed, pass into the bloodstream and are transported by the blood to the lungs, where they are eliminated with the exhaled air. Thus, an increase in the concentration of these gases in the breath after lactose administration indicates that lactose has not been absorbed correctly and, therefore, there may be lactose malabsorption or lactose intolerance.

Additional information

Weight 178 g